by Michael Davies
News and opinion on European and Spanish regulations affecting ex-pats who retire, play or invest in Spain
Michael Davies is a Spanish lawyer specialised in probate, inheritance tax and inheritance related litigation for ex-pats in Spain.

The U.K  Law Society Gazette like us since 2104  explains why people must get a solicitor to make sure their Spanish will is o.k. after changes in the law due to European Directive 650/2012. The Directive is in force since 17th of August of 2015 and there are many wills that have still not been
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MENTIONING A TRUST ON A SPANISH WILL IS ASKING FOR TROUBLE. SOMETIMES WHAT IS LEGALLY POSSIBLE AND WHAT IS PRACTICAL IS NOT THE SAME THING. THIS IS A PERFECT EXAMPLE. Question: I had a Spanish will made out for myself and my wife some time ago. We have recently moved to a new house and
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This article originally published in 2015 has been updated in March 2021 Do I really need to make a Spanish will ? If is very simple. If you have assets in Spain is highly advisable to make a Spanish will to death with your assets in Spain. After 25 years handling probate for ex-pats in
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